01 Jul We’re getting ready to join the stock market by end of 2020
July 1st, 2020
Given the good track record of the stock market as an alternative source of financing, our company is taking its first steps to attract private investors and institutions, by joining the MAB stock market before the end of 2020. Nonpublic financing formulas such as Private Equity Funds and Venture Capital have positioned themselves as the main backing channels in Spain.
We’ve reached an inclusion agreement to join the Pre-Market Environment as a company of the Growth segment. The Pre-Market Environment (EpM) training program started in 2017 for growing SMEs. This ecosystem connects investors, companies and professionals from official and alternative markets of equities and bonds. For investors, it provides assurance that the company has followed strict management and control of its business before diversifying the external financing sources.
The Spanish stock market data from 2019 reveal a changing trend in the business financing model, which moves away from bank financing and will continue this way in the coming years. Businesses listed in the expanding company segment raised 112 million euros — with 21 contracts registered in Spain during 2019. During the same year, Spanish biotechnology companies increased their capital by more than 74 million euros.
“Having received close to 15 million euros in equity from several private investors, our goal is to raise 5 million more while we prepare to enter the stock market, due to its financing power. For this reason, since June 2020 we are pleased to count on the support and guidance of EpM, which was promoted by BME, manager of the Spanish markets,” says professor Pablo V. Escribá, our founder and CEO.
“We are confident that EpM will provide great support for us to join the stock market soon. Investors know that biotechnology takes pride of place as the industrial sector with greatest investment in Spanish R&D. We are going to provide the opportunity to invest in a project whose sole purpose is to improve the quality of life and the life expectancy of people with serious illnesses,”.