10 Dec Biotechnology company Laminar Pharma, finalist in the 5th CAEB Santander Awards for Business Innovation
Palma de Mallorca, December 9, 2020. The ceremony for the 5th edition of the Awards of the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB), called CAEB SANTANDER, was held today in Palma de Mallorca, to recognize the business innovation of small and medium-sized companies.
Finalist companies have defended their candidacy before a panel comprising the President of the CAEB, Ms. C. Planas, the Territorial Director of Santander Bank in the Balearic Islands, Ms. C. Torrebadella, the Vice Chancellor for Innovation of the UIB, Mr. J.Llabrés, the President of the R&D and innovation Commission of the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands, Mr. J. Mañas, the Director of Fi Group in the Balearic Islands (company that manages the financing of R&D and innovation), Mr. J.Almirall, and finally Mr. D.Manera, general manager of Podarcis, the winning company of the 4th edition held last year.
The winner of the 5th Award has received an endowment of 3,000 euros and a distinctive plaque, while all the finalists have received a Diploma in support of their entrepreneurial spirit and to recognize and value their commitment to Innovation. The judges have especially taken into account the effort made to develop innovation strategies in the face of the COVID19 crisis, strategies aimed at Sustainable Development Goals numbers 9 and 17. SDG 9 focuses on generating impacts on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures and the SDG 17 on forging
Alliances to achieve the objectives — because Innovating is challenging and requires creativity in addition to backing Innovation and Development as pillars or factors of competitiveness and growth, facilitating a reduction in costs as well as the design of a variability of products or services that allow entry to new markets.
The companies have all shown examples of flexibility, good ideas, challenging the norm and knowing how to take risks. A good example of entrepreneurial passion has been the presentation given by the CEO and founder of Laminar Pharma, Professor Pablo V. Escribá, who fifteen years ago had the vision of betting on lipids as pharmacological therapy for a large group of diseases, creating the first spin-off of the University of the Balearic Islands, UIB.
For its candidacy, the Biotechnology company Laminar Pharma has presented its work developing the therapeutic platform called Melitherapy, where it is investigating the therapeutic potential of some of its own patented molecules.
About the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands CAEB
CAB is the most representative organization in the Balearic Islands and defends the general interests of businesspeople in the Balearic Islands to all authorities and policymakers. Made up of more than 80 business organizations belonging to all sectors, CAEB is a model for its partners in promoting debate, disseminating knowledge and training future entrepreneurs.
Created in 1977, today it is a key social representative in the economic development of the Balearic Islands and Spain. CAEB is also a member of the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME) and of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) — and, through it, other European and international business organizations.
About Laminar Pharmaceuticals SL
Laminar Pharma is a research and development company for drugs that are designed using molecular and cellular biology. The company is committed to translational research in the health sector, using Melitherapy (Membrane Lipid Therapy) as a pioneering and highly innovative therapeutic platform to study its molecules for various conditions in Oncology and other areas with important therapeutic needs. In addition to the large therapeutic areas, Laminar has shown its commitment to more underserved sectors, such as rare diseases and paediatric patients. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off of the UIB (University of the Balearic Islands), it currently has offices in Palma de Mallorca and Acton (USA)